This firmware's most important part is frame rate improvements:
We have added a whole new settings menu for new functions, like ability to change resolution, choose policy for 25 and 30 fps videos and add ability to display resolution mode in upper status bar.

v.2.1.1 - 18/06/2018
1. Fixed Wi-Fi disconnection problem of old Zyxel routers
2. Fixed vsync problems with android automatic frame rate function (Kodi 17+)
3. System automatic frame rate function changes:
- fixed bug of returning to last mode after stop video
- added ability to change resolution
- new settings menu
- added ability to choose policy for 25 and 30 fps videos
- fixed SPMC bug. Now not need enable media codec option
- added ability to show current display mode in the status bar
4. Added ZaagTech multi-touch screens support
5. Security patches update
6. Memory optimization
7. Fixed MAC addresses problem
8. Changed some settings priority
Download Link: Ugoos AM3 V 2.1.1 Image
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